Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I have no idea what this movie is, or is about. But I love the trailer. Also, if I went to India (which I hope to do one day), would I see a big stone arch that said "India" welcoming me? Because that would be awesome.


kati kyushu said...

Joe, can't you tell?

Their town was destroyed. A dude killed with a hat. They walked on the great wall. They traveled in search of hope. They followed a prophecy. To find their ancient warrior reborn. And then they danced and spoke to a potato. And it's coming out in January.

I mean geeze. What else could you want to know? I was at a movie theater in Japan and they didn't show anything to describe the movie except the name and 30 seconds of footage. No words at all. And I'm going to see it.

kati kyushu said...

Here's a link to the movie I want to see. Turns out there is a video game. Now I have to play the games.
