Friday, November 19, 2004

How to Make Tea

If you're using bagged tea, it's pretty simple:
-Put tea bag in cup (or put several in pot).
-Pour Boiling Water into the cup (or pot).
-Let it steep for about 5 minutes or so.
-Drink, burn your mouth, then try and sue me for damages.*

*This last part is optional. And I don't have any money anyway, so it's probably not worth it.

If you're using loose leaf tea:
-Put one spoonful (regular size spoon, not a ladle or anything stupid like that) of tea into the pot for every cup, plus one for the pot (i.e. if you're making 2 cups, put in 3 spoonfuls of leaves). Obviously, this should be adjusted if you want a stronger or weaker pot, and over time you'll hit on some amount that's good for you.
-Pour the Boiling Water into the pot.
-Let steep for +/-5 minutes. Be careful: while most teas can be left almost ad infinitum, Adagio black teas (particularly the Earl Grey) will turn extremely bitter if left to steep for too long. Either take out the leaves (if your pot is equipped with an infuser basket) or pour out the pot into a large cup to keep the tea the desired flavor.

It is important to note that these instructions are not for Green Tea (or White Tea, so I hear). Ideally Green Tea should be steeped at slightly below boiling temperature (180 degrees or thereabouts).

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