Thursday, April 13, 2006

In my defense

I'm playing in three fantasy baseball teams this year. In the last three days, I've started a total of 3 A's pitchers over my three teams (Dan Haren twice and Joe Blanton once). The A's, of course, were playing the Twins for the last three games. Now, in my defense, the A's had just pitched an excellent series against the Mariners, and had been playing well in general. The Twins, on the other hand, had been hitting the ball as if they were using week-old carp instead of bats. I was hoping the Twinkies would snap out of it, and maybe take 2 of 3. But I didn't expect them to score a lot of runs: I expected the Twins pitching to wake up, hold the A's to at most 3 runs, and the Twins would win by a run or two.

Now, of course, Haren and Blanton's stat lines are killing my pitching stats this week, because they both got hammered. Big time. To the tune of 7 earned runs in 6 innings. That's not the sort of thing that's friendly to your ERA, people.

So naturally I'm ecstatic that the Twins swept the A's. I just wish I had guessed that they were going to do it in such convincing fashion. Let's hope they can keep it up with the fucking Yankees in town this weekend.

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