Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Well, I'm Back

A lot's happened since I last posted in this space. Since the end of March, I've decided to move to DC with my girlfriend, driven out there twice (once to move her, once to move a massive truck of stuff), been to Las Vegas for Mr. Bartely's bachelor party, gone to my 5 year college reunion, been to weddings in Raleigh, NC and on Grand Bahama Island, and had said girlfriend break up with me. So it's been a tumultuous four months for me. I am no longer moving to DC, and am now trying to decide what I want to do next.

As I try to figure out that next step I'm going to try and start posting regularly again, as usual on whatever topic seems to strike me on any given day. Like pretty much everything in my life right now, we'll see what happens.

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