Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy T-day to everyone!  I hope you all have a great time and a great meal.  I myself will be very busy today not eating turkey, relaxing and watching football, as I have a lecture, a seminar, a talk to go to (although since it features Phillip Pullman it'll probably be pretty cool), a group meeting for my Design project, and right now I need to got put in some design work before the lecture and seminar so the group meeting goes better.

So for me Thanksgiving Day (observed) will be on Saturday, when a bunch of the people here are getting together for dinner.  It will also be my first attempt at cooking a turkey.  I really hope I don't screw it up.

1 comment:

kati kyushu said...

Whine, Whine, Whine. It's rough living in countries where stupid settlers didn't know how to fertilize and the native people had to save them. At least your country has turkey!