Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy!

Wow. So I finally watched this movie, courtesy of Mr. Java Fortran. And as I promised, here is my review. Yes, the interior of Barbarella's ship is entirely covered with shag carpeting. And yes, she does spend the entire first scene of the movie naked (not that you see anything). That should really tell you all you need to know about this movie, but just in case it doesn't, here's some more info:
Barbarella, played by Jane Fonda (who is amazingly hot in this movie-I had no idea), is never actually called the Queen of the Galaxy. She gets a call from Earth to go to a planet and look for an Earth scientist named (are you ready?) Duran Duran. That's right. And they say his full name all the time. Every time they did, I cracked up. It was great. You see, Duran Duran created a great weapon and then disappeared, making the Earth government worry that something might threaten the centuries of peace and love everyone had been enjoying. So Barbarella goes to this backward planet where they're a bunch of sadists and hedonists, quickly learns the upsides of having physical sex (as opposed to taking a pill and holding hands, which is what they do on Earth now) and becomes just a little bit of an addict. She does it with the first guy she meets when her ship crashes in the icy desert of the planet, she does it with the angel she meets when she gets to the city, she does it with a machine Duran Duran puts her in to torture and kill her, and she almost does it with the crazy BDSM chick who runs the planet's main city. It's really the backbone of the movie. In fact, I would go so far as to call this a movie about the feminist awakening of Jane Fonda to the pleasures of sex. Or maybe not.

In terms of things other than Barbarella doing it with different things, this is a quintessential B movie. Cheap production values, etc. But as long as you don't have a problem with that, there's absolutely no reason you can't get some good laughs from this movie. I know I did.

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