Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A Long-Expected Posting

Hello again people. Yes, I'm still here. I haven't died, moved to a remote desert island where they don't have broadband hookups, or contracted leprosy. I've been here, procrastinting, rationalizing and pontificating (but the last only in my head, unfortuneately). At any rate, I've been trying to keep busy, but I'm afraid that I got hit with a bout of malaise a couple weeks ago, and I've been trying to pull myself out of it. These sort of things happen when you're frustratingly unemployed as I am, and I apologize that all of you have had to suffer from the lack of posts detailing my fascinating thoughts and ideas that I know you all base your lifes around.

I thought that a quick post, just to let you know what I've been up to lately, would perhaps get the creative juices flowing enough for me to rededicate myself to posting at least every day or two. I'll do my best.

With the onset of April, it appears that Minnesota has seen the end of the horrible season that separates Winter and Spring, also know as Sprinter. We've had temps in the 60s and 70s the past couple days, and though it's going to dip back into the 40s and 50s the next couple days (I'm talking about high temps here, people: there's still ice on the lakes) the nice weather has been enough to allow the Ultimate season to officially begin, meaning that I was almost too sore to get out of bed on Monday after playing somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 hours of frisbee over the weekend. It was great, and the fact that I couldn't raise my left leg to put on a sock yesterday doesn't deter me for a second.

I've also been eagerly awaiting yesterday, which was of course opening day for baseball (fine, the Bo Sox and the Yankers played on sunday, but who the hell cares about them). This is doubly exciting since I'm on a fantasy baseball team for the first time this year. I of course was required to draft many Twins players to populate my roster, and though Mr. Hanberg's Mariners defeated them yesterday, I remain confident and excited (and, as I drafted the M's 3rd baseman and closer, I was able to pick up some positive stats). Although if I was you Erik, I'd be nervous about the fact that all your offense came from two swings of Sexson's bat.

And of course, the main draw on my time recently has been LotR. I started what will again become and annual rereading of The Lord of the Rings (as it was before the three years of movies disrupted it). I just finished book 3 (or the first half of The Two Towers) today, so I still have a ways to go. But it is, as always, a journey I enjoy making every time.

My post tomorrow will be a review of Sin City, easily the best movie so far this year and a stunning piece of visual work that will make your jaw bug out and your eyes drop. Or perhaps the other way around. Also, check out the sidebar soon for some new sections.

So until tomorrow (I promise).

And Hanberg, I expect trash talking baseball posts over the next few days!

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