Thursday, February 22, 2007

Watch the Volume, Guys

Heard a pretty funny news story today. Seems a man in Oconomowoc, WI, thought he heard a woman being raped in the apartment above his. He grabbed a sword (yes, a sword), went upstairs, kicked in the door, and demanded to know where the woman under attack was. He forced the guy to lead him around the apartment at swordpoint and open closets and doors where he might have stashed the woman.

However, there was no woman. It seems the neighbor had been watching a porn video with the volume up perhaps a little too loud, and the guy misunderstood the screams he was hearing. The neighbor later played back for the police the part of the DVD that he thought had been misunderstood ("Sir, I think we're going to need to view this again, just to make sure there's no misunderstanding. And you have any kleenex?").

A couple of things stand out here (no, not that). First, the guy said that he never threatened his neighbor with the sword, he only "had the sword extended". I know that I never make the mistake of thinking someone threatening me with a sword when they are, in reality, simply extending it in my general direction.

Second, the guy said he didn't call police because he doesn't have a phone. So that makes him a 39 year old who lives with his mother, doesn't have a phone and keeps a sword readily accessible. Can we get Dr. Phil on the phone, please?

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