Monday, September 10, 2007

I am Iron Man

The trailer for Marvel's next big movie, Iron Man, came out today on apple trailers. I think they were supposed to wait until tonight, as it's premiering on several tv channels, but it looks like they jumped the gun (which is cool, since I wasn't going to watch The Hills on MTV).

Iron Man's never been the most compelling of the Marvel superheroes for me, although I couldn't really tell you why. Tony Stark is pretty much the epitome of cool, a billionaire playboy who's a massively talented inventor (replace inventor with dective and you have Bruce Wayne, by the way). But he doesn't have the greatest rouges gallery and I ususally seem to like him more as part of the Avengers or the Ultimates. I thought the role he played in facing off against Captain America in the Marvel mini series Civil War was fantastic, though. I also haven't read the most famous Iron Man arc, where Tony, who's an alcoholic, bottoms out.

At any rate, the new trailer looks good, and I've heard excellent things about this movie so far. The sequence at the end is clearly the equivalent of Spidey swinging through downtown NY in his first trailers.

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