Wednesday, November 05, 2008

O Freaking Bama

I realized it about 30 minutes after Ohio was announced for Obama by CNN. At the time, I was arguing the merits of Obama v. McCain with a friend of my sister's, so I only took time to turn to the TV, yell YES! at the top of my lungs, and then go back to my point. A half hour later, I realized that Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania had all been called for Obama, and he was sitting at 207 electoral votes before CA, OR, WA and HI were counted. When I took the time to add them up (no small feat considering the booze I had consumed), I realized that, barring the most insane of miracles, Obama had just become the President-Elect.

Holy S#*t.

I can't believe it. In 2004 I wanted to be able to vote for this man, and the fact that he's actually going to be the next President blows my mind. The fact that his grandmother died a day before being able to see this must tear at his heart.

I can't remember exactly what the line from his speech was, but I believe it was something along the lines of "a new day has dawned in American leadership." For America, and for the world, I have hope that Obama will deliver on his promise. Today, America decided to act on that hope. Go Obama.

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