Monday, February 27, 2006

A new outrage

With South Dakota one signature away from outlawing abortion in order to force the recently recreated Supreme Court to revist the issue, I'm going to start the public outcry against what I'm suggesting we call Activist Legislators. Unike Activist Judges who try and legislate from the bench, forcing our society to accept that all people have the same rights and prevent Bush's God-given right to spy on all of us in the tub, Activist Legislators try to adjudicate from Congress. I fully expect the country's politicians to see the parallel and soon start protesting these lawless individuals.

I could rant for hours about the social ass-backwardness of this country and this administration, but it's 1am, and I'm going to bed (I'll make the one exception to say that it's all Caleb's fault). Check out this editorial in the StarTrib for a good, simple opinion on gay marriage. Oh, and Hanberg, if you're reading this, I'll try and give you a call tomorrow (Monday). Sign up for the damn fantasy baseball league, damnit!

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