Friday, July 21, 2006


As a child of the 80s, I grew up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Their cartoon kicked ass. The original, live action movie is the reason I love trailers. And I'm pretty sure my mom has many of the original toy line stashed away somewhere in the attic. I've even got the first four trade paperbacks of the original comic book run, which is a lot more weird (indie-comic book weird) and hardcore than you might expect. (As a cool FYI, in the Turtles' origin story the Turtles get covered with an ooze that falls from a truck which swerves after almost hitting an old man who gets knocked out of the way by a younger man. The canister hits the young man in the eyes, then bounces down the sewer to mutate the Turtles. The young man's name is Matt Murdock, and the ooze blinds him but heightens his remaining senses and he later becomes Daredevil.)

Anyway, the San Diego ComiCon is going on right now, which means lots of cool stuff gets premiered, and one of them is the trailer for a new TMNT movie. Check it out here. It doesn't give you anything except cool visuals, but damn it looks good. I believe I'll probably be seeing this one in 07.

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