Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Train Times

I was a little bored this morning, so when I read this CNN article saying the new Chinese high-speed trains averaged 350kph I wondered what that was in mph.  Turns out it's about 218.  That got me wondering just how fast you could get from Minneapolis to Chicago in a train going those speeds.  According to this site it's 354 miles, so it'd be a little over an hour and a half train ride.  But you wouldn't just get a train straight from Minneapolis to Chicago, you'd at least go through Madison.  Long story short I'm thinking you could have one of these trains averaging 218mph between Minneapolis, Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago and get from one end to the other in about 2 hours (provided you only stop in those cities).  Put the terminus of the train in the downtown areas of each city and it probably ends up being faster than flying.  Sound good to anyone else?

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