Saturday, August 29, 2009

An end and a beginning

Today was my last day at Rust Consulting, the place I've been working since the end of October. I started as a temp, and then a couple of months ago they decided they liked me enough to hire me on as a regular employee. It was a nice job-I got to work downtown, which meant I got to walk around the skyway system everyday and familiarize myself with a part of Minneapolis I didn't know that well. But the best part was the people-I don't know that I met anyone at Rust that I didn't like-coworker or superior. So it was a little sad to leave. Not really sad, mind you, since I'm incredibly excited for my program to start and psyched to be returning to England, but I am going to miss the people I worked with.

So that was today. Since getting home my time has been entirely dedicated to getting my new laptop up and running. It's a Dell Studio XPS, and it's shiny and very cool. I haven't transfered any of my personal files yet, but I have downloaded several of the programs I use every day (chrome, itunes, skype) and started to configure things to my liking. So in the space of one day I've left my job and received what's going to become my link to the rest of the world. Exciting stuff.

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