Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It's a Plane

I watch two tv shows regularly on tv: Lost, the greatest hourlong drama I've ever seen, and Smallville, which follows Clark Kent as he grows up on the farm. It's not the greatest show ever (see previous sentence), but I'm a sucker for superpowers and Smallville is actually a pretty quality show most of the time. That said, there's nothing like seeing the big man on the big screen. I'm psyched for Superman Returns, and even more so now that the full length trailer came out today. I've watched it three times so far, and I like what I see. A lot of comic book fans hold up the original Richard Donner Superman as one of the better comic book movies ever made. I feel this to be total crap, as the movie is, in my opinion, almost total crap. The exception is any scene with Christopher Reeve in either persona (although he's better as Clark), which is good because that means he saves a good part of the movie. But any movie that has the cheesiest spoken-word-poem-voiceover ever conceived of by man or god gets a black mark in my book. Hopefully, Bryan Singer is more intelligent than that. He did an excellent job with the X-movies, so I think he knows what he's doing.

Quick! Go see that trailer!

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