Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Stop Fucking with my mind, JJ Abrams!

Saw M:I:III on Saturday. Very good spy/action flick. Harry's AICN review was extremely accurate when he said it was True Lies without the humor. 'Cause that's what it is. Badass spy stuff with the badass spy consequences (that is, having to deal with Phillip Seymore Hoffman shooting your wife in the head while she's tied up in a chair). Also, this movie has Shaun of the Dead in it (I believe his name is Simon Pegg). He's the tech-buddy who helps TomKat...I mean Ethan Hunt out when he's desperate in Shanghai. But that's not what I'm here to talk about...

So I watched the movie with my friends Carl and Java. And then we sat and watched the credits. And they slowly went by, which I didn't mind because I was still processing the movie. But then they came to the end: you know, the bit where the producers thank people and organizations for helping to make the movie possible instead of paying them.

But one thing stood out. I don't know why I saw it, but the last organization thanked on the list was The Hanso Foundation. I said to myself, that sounds familiar. Then my brain clicked into gear and I began to curse JJ Abrams because he's a bastard. Anyone who's seen season 2 of Lost knows that the Hanso Foundation is behind the Dharma Initiative, the big mystery of season 2 (like the Smoke monster was the mystery of season 1). But seeing that on the screen just about blew my mind. Why do you torture me, JJ Abrams! Does the Hanso Foundation really have anything to do with M:I:III? Could all JJ Abrams projects be connected? Will Kirk and Spock be reveiled to be descendents of Jack and Kate? What will happen next?!

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